Saturday, May 27, 2017

Who Do We Become

I did not understand you
Were a living part of me.

Your memory forced
Me to redefine who
I Am.

I struggled for a definition,
Not liking my choices.

Who do we become when
The people we love
Leave us?  How do we

Fill the space where 
They once were? How
Do we stitch together 

The memories we are
Left with, to make
Ourselves whole again?

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

No Fear

I do not fear death for it is simply the
Comforting dank smell of last year's
Leaves fallen to the forest floor, now
Giving way to new growth, new life.
It is that final rest from weariness,
From pain, and a chance to sleep.

Who Are We?

Who do we become when we lose
the parent who guided us as surely
as a star guides us through darkness?

How do we look in the mirror
and still see ourselves as whole
when we know we no longer are?

What becomes of our future when
our shared past has been broken
and the bridge no longer exists?