Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I would rather walk alone
But grief follows me
An unwelcome companion
Who makes me weary
With the weight of his emptiness

Grief murmurs in my ear
Breaking my concentration
And keeping me awake at night
Last words are as difficult
As words left unspoken

Grief paints haunting pictures that
Bring tears to my eyes when
I come across them unexpectedly
Where colors are not quite right and
I stare at them, numb and wondering
What's going to become of them

And then I begin to wonder
Will I remember the pictures
If Grief leaves my side.
Will I still hear the echos?
Or do I need to befriend Grief
To keep you with me?

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Darkness drips from every trembling pine needle
Knots that never untie hold me
To this ancient place now hidden
I wait until they come knocking
These thoughts that lie buried so deep,
Waiting to be used, and try to capture them
While a thousand choking words float away,
Unused, still within the river of my soul.

Saturday, September 10, 2016


The night sky watched through the windows as I sat with you.
Your breath rattled heavy in your chest
I stroked your whiskers, so white, so soft
People who didn't know you would whisper, "Santa Claus"
Your eyes would no longer open, your hand could no longer squeeze
But you could still hear and so I sang to you
You told me once when I was young not to sing
That I didn't have the voice for it
I have been self-conscious my whole life, not wanting to sing in front of others
But that night, song was one of the last gifts I could give you
So I sang Amazing Grace
And stroked your soft whiskered cheeks 'til you passed.